Tuesday, January 18, 2011

As strange as it seems I'd rather dissolve than have you ignore me

Ah, the big one..15 days left as of midnight tonight..we're getting down to the wire now!

Of course, I have until next Friday, my final weigh-in at my pre-op, to get to 281.6. I was at 292 of my last scale jump, so let's see if I can get there.

I start classes tomorrow (yay, not)...it's going to be interesting. I have 3 classes MW, 1 TTH, and 4 F. So all in all, I'm taking 4 classes, or 12 credits. Not bad considering I'm going to miss a couple weeks for the operation and recovery time. Hoping for a speedy recovery! or else I'm doomed this semester.

Now, onto some heavier stuff..literally..I'm finding myself having trouble sticking to my diet. I am so sick of MediFast I could pull my hair out. So I've been sneaking snacks. I'm trying to control it, but the problem is, at the time it seems like such a good idea, then afterwards I am so angry with myself. I know it needs to stop, and I've made the resolution to be done with it. No more snacking! I want this so bad, and it almost seems like I'm sabotaging myself, probably because I'm scared. My fat has been a barrier for me since I got sick. It (and my caustic personality) keep people at a distance. I know that I can do that if I need to even when I am skinny, but being fat means I have my best friend (food!) with me, and I can rely on it whenever I need it. I have got to get out of this mindset or I am going to fail at this.

So, the resolution..
ABSOLUTELY NO SNACKING OR CHEATING. It's done, over. I have very little time to get to goal, and if I don't, no surgery. And I couldn't deal with that. Having it cancelled because I didn't lose enough..can you say failure? So I have to do it, lest I be rescheduled (gasp).

Wish me luck at school tomorrow, we'll see just how behind I'm going to get while I'm out from my syllabi.

Signing off, comment at will.

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