Monday, January 10, 2011

Without warning she gave up the ghost inside.

Stupid, crummy, broken scale. So much for that ten pound weight loss i (happily) reported.
Turns out my scale is a piece, and i only really lost 2 pounds. definitely not enough to keep nurse dearest happy. she immediately took me off lean and green and 3 shakes a day, and now i'm 5 shakes a day, no food. i don't know where i went wrong, well, yes, i do. i cheated one time, and screwed up my whole week.

now instead of the 10 pounds i thought i needed to lose in 3 weeks (thanks broken scale) i have to lose 20 in three weeks.

i need some serious motivation to not eat ANY food, no matter what it is.

other than that, not much to report. surg in 24 days (weight loss willing) and i start school next wednesday. i wish i didn't have to start school before the surgery, i'm sure i won't be able to focus at all, but what can i do.. i'm not giving up a whole semester to have this surgery, i've already lost a year. (see the lost year, or the year in bed, from my first post.)'s nuts.

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